The Lord has blessed us at the STONE to have a Pastor with a heart and mind for Missions. He allows a 5th Sunday Offering for the Missions department. It is from these funds that we are to meed the practical needs of other i.e. rental & utility assistance, and other emergent needs on a case by case basis to those meeting the criteria. Won't you consider helping? To help simply click the online giving button on the home page and specify "Missions"
The Lord has blessed us at the STONE to have a Pastor with a heart and mind for Missions. He allows a 5th Sunday Offering for the Missions department. It is from these funds that we are to meed the practical needs of other i.e. rental & utility assistance, and other emergent needs on a case by case basis to those meeting the criteria. Won't you consider helping? To help simply click the online giving button on the home page and specify "Missions"