Purpose To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and to strengthen the local Church by street witnessing, distributing tracts and promoting Christ and our services via social media. We strive to have a global evangelistic outreach that reconciles men and women to Christ.
Description The Street Evangelism Team goes out into the community every Second Saturday of the month to witness to the lost and un-churched. We also provide the community with referrals to other CCCOGIC Outreach Ministries (food, clothing, housing etc.).
Program Highlights Street Evangelism Training Monthly Distribution of Evangelistic Materials (tracts, door hangers) Evangelism Outreach to the Community
CCCOGIC Fishers of Men purpose is to win souls for the Kingdom of God. We are reaching out for souls, so they may be reconciled back to God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
We go work outside the four walls, showing the love of God by sharing a message of hope through the “Good News”, which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a department of Cornerstone Community COGIC we go out second second Saturday and we as an entire church go out every fourth Saturday of the month into the highways and hedges, piercing through the darkness of Satan through our “Track Attacks.” Every soul God leads us to is our target in that hour, and we are equipped with tracks, the Gospel, and God’s love for every soul.
And as the Lord leads us we compel men to come into the house of the Lord that it may be filled.
With loving kindness, a no-nonsense approach, the wisdom, and gentleness of God we are working to fulfill the perfect will of God, occupying until He comes, and working while it’s yet day.
St. Luke 5: 10b …And Jesus said… Fear not; from hence forth thou shalt catch men.
Taking it Back to the POWER and the PURPOSE of the Altar
Purpose To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and to strengthen the local Church by presenting purposeful and relevant worship experiences that will encourage, sharpen, ignite and challenge the house to live a life reflective of the Lord that they have made declaration to serve.
Description In addition to working with Fishers of Men the Evangelistic Department of CCCOGIC believes is providing opportunities for tarrying services, shut ins, deliverance as well as encouragement to come to the altar for all of your needs. The Department provides opportunities for individuals to "give it all to Jesus" and "watch what He does".
Evangelistic Services are 1st Fridays of Every month.